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Minister of Education Visits APS!

It was a pleasure to have the Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen visit our school yesterday. The school choir sang upon her arrival outside the front of the school and two P7 pupils, Jake and Anna, presented her with a bouquet of flowers and an Anahilt Teddy! The Minister and her entourage were given a guided tour of the school and she was very interested in the learning that was going on in the classrooms. The Minister enjoyed engaging with the pupils, chatting to teachers and asking a lot of questions. The 'tour' included a visit to all classrooms as well as to our sensory space, outdoor learning areas, the playground and garden areas.  During the tour the Minister was able to see our Healthy Happy Minds (Pilot) in progress and our Lisburn School of Music tuition. P6 pupil, Emma, was asked to sing solo and performed beautifully.  Following the 'tour' Mrs Davidson and I very much welcomed the opportunity to chat with the Minister (over a cup of coffee and freshly baked scones) about some of the challenges that schools have been facing and how certain funding has been put to excellent use.


A huge congratulations to Miss Sharratt and the school choir for their wonderful performance yesterday and in particular to Jake, Anna and Emma.


A word of thanks to the entire APS team who showcased our wonderful school so well.

Thanks also to Mr A Gowan for arranging this very special visit.
