Home Page

Primary 5

W5 Trip

Ice Cream Day

Measuring for Distance

Water Cycle Display - Well done everyone for workig so hard on this display. Thanks to Mrs McAllister for sketching the water cycle on the board.

Art Day - The Water Cycle and Self Portrait

Changing State - Water

Do you like our Early Man pottery?

Amazing Journeys Ministry

Easter Fun

Popcorn Maths

Microbead debate work

St.Patrick's Day


Pancake Day 2017 - In groups we unjumbled the ingredients list and came up with a recipe for our pancakes

50 table facts in a row

Mesolithic homes

Calculator Challenge

Fraction Challenge

Chinese noodles

I am very proud of P5 and their excellent assembly on Chinese New Year

Star Speller - 20 in a row

Apples bruise on the inside but appear flawless on the outside


Can your drop an egg from 1 metre without it breaking?

How much does an egg alter the volume of water? Or a marble? Which holds more rice - a cylinder, cuboid or triangular prism, all of which are made from identical pieces of card?

Nativity craft

Christmas Fun Day Photo Booth

Our Winter Snowglobes

Making Snowmen (Weight and Measure)

Dairy Council Visit

A Visit from Lisburn Fire Station

Mount Stewart

Maths Games

Pumpkin Experiment

Constructing Anahilt from boxes

Addition using Base 10

Welcome to P5!

Mrs Gregg teaches P5. Please check this page regularly for updates on what P5 have been getting up to.

Leaves from Clay

Fruit Art Work

We love learning to speak Spanish!

Human Abacus

ICT work
