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Farewell Mr Reid

Today we said farewell to Mr Reid who was appointed just over 5 years ago as Principal and we thanked him for his leadership and guidance during this period of time. Pupils and staff benefitted from Mr Reid’s words of encouragement and advice during weekly Friday Assemblies and everyone enjoyed his sense of humour. The past two years in particular, have been extremely difficult with the implications of the pandemic but Mr Reid has managed to keep everyone fully informed with Coronavirus updates and provided parents and pupils with signposts and quick links for use during the ‘Home Learning’ period. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed participating in the APS Engage Activities (featured in the Video Channel on the school website) during the lockdown period and everyone in the school community enjoyed watching them! During these challenging times Mr Reid has focussed on looking after the mental health and wellbeing of both staff and pupils, in addition to ensuring that pupils were given the opportunity to progress with their learning, initially online until face-face teaching resumed.


There have been a significant number of changes to the physical buildings and grounds since Mr Reid was appointed to the school. At the same time as his appointment the Anahilt and Magheraconluce Community Association has emerged and the close relationship between it, the school and the PTA has been to the benefit of the school, which has greatly enhanced the learning experiences of the pupils.


We wish Mr Reid every success in the future.

